(a detailed description of my setup, tools etc.)

- For the double basses for a long time I used the Wilson Pickup system which I think is pretty good, but piezo with all pros and cons. Since 98' I use pickups by the finnisch company B-Band. This system is more like condensor-mikes and it brings out much more the real sound of the instrument. The actual modell is the D1. I still use the old version of it with the new pickups.
Amplification and sound-projection
Amps, Combo's and Cabinetts:
AER Basscube 2 & AER AS360: For the double-Bass I use exclusively the "Bass-Cube II" of the german brand AER. This is a Combo-amp with all studio-features and a 360 watt power-amp bulid in. To push the volume and the sound-density I use most of the time a AS 360 (aktive subwoofer) which has the same speaker as the basscube, but no horn. This is my standard-setup for all jazz, world and double-bass & electric gigs.
AER Amp One: One of the finest and most powerful small bassamps I know. With just one 10' and no horn, this is good for a nice, vintage-oriented electric-bass sound. With a AER AG8 or a AER CX8 it can be completed to a small fullrange-system for electric or double-bass
AER Amp Three: Got this one in 2014 for testing and fell in love with it as a small prowerful fullrange combo for electric and upright as well. With a AER AG8 or a AER CX8 it can be completed to a real fullrange-system for electric or double-bass
Ampeg SVT IIP: Preamp for good old electric-bass sound in studio
AMPEG SVT 4-Pro: Powerful hybrid amp for Electricbass
AMPEG SVT 2 (non PRO!) all tube amp for ElectricBass
- Ashdown EVO 300 (Bass Magnifier) hybrid amp
- Trace Eliot Elf ... the smallest bass amp ever
Ampeg Classic 210: Carriable cabinet for electric-bass with the SVT 4-Pro. Alo good for using it with the Galien-Krueger as a external speaker.
Ampeg Classic 410 HLF: The bigger and more powerful Electric-bass cabinet. Lots of lows, lots of mids, clear highs... "do not frear the drums and the guitar-amps anymore"
Ampeg Classiv SVT 810: no comment
EBS Session 60: nice, little, light, good sounding, not too many buttons.... a good amp for teaching, practicing and small session. And: Not expensive at all.
Monster Cabels (Bass) as much as possible and some Sommer-Kabel
Manfred Reckmeyer- Cables. Handsolders in the right length...
- I really like and mainly use Reunion Blues gig-bags
- For Double Bass: Pirastro Obligato on my 1st bass. On my 2nd bass I have D'adario Helicores
- For the Electric Basses see page basses...
- For the acoustic bass guitar: Pyramid Strings, my custom set
Little Helpers:
Boss VF-500-H (Voulme Pedal)
Boss OC II
Boss OC III (not soo often)
Digitec Synth-Wah
EBS MicroBass II
EBS Octaver
EBS Dynaverb
EBS Tremolo
EBS Unichorus
EBS MultiComp
EBS Bass-Wah 1
Elektro Harmonix Pog Nano
- Elektro Harmonix Ravi Sitar
Radial Tonebone Bigshot ABY/Y V2 (not in use any more)
Lehle "Little Lehle"
Lehle Volume(mono)
Lehle Julian
RMI (Lehle) Acouswitch Junior -
MXR M81 Basspreamp
Pedal-Train Pedal Board(s)
Pedal-Power by Vodoo Lab
Peterson Strobo-Flip tuner (at hand)
Peterson Stomp Classic (on Pedal Board)
- Peterson StroboStomp HD (on Pedal Board)
T-Rex Fuel Tank Junior
Tech 21 QStrip
Zoom H2n for aftergig-reality-control
- Rode NT1
- Neumann KM184
- AKG C 3000
- Golden Age Project Premier PRE-73
- Avalon U5
- Motu Unltralight (2006)